Jan De Schepper

Who is Jan De Schepper?
Jan De Schepper was a senior manager at Telindus and Proximus, and a youth coach at the KV Mechelen football club. His experience makes him a privileged witness to the cross-fertilisation between sport and the business world. In 2015, he wrote the book ‘Kopmannen’ (Leaders). What can top managers and elite sportsmen and women learn from each other? ConneXion was launched in September 2020. The book, which he wrote together with Paul Van Den Bosch, sets out seven paradoxes that explain disruption in leadership.
Jan was appointed chairman of Securitas Belgium in 2020. Since 2009 he has been a member of the executive boards of BDO Digital, Automation, Uman.ai and Astrid, which is responsible for the police and security services network. Jan has also been the chair of ADM, the ‘Share & Connect’ platform between IT providers and users since 2008. (more info at www.adm.be).
Jan De Schepper holds a Master’s in Science and an MLA from Harvard (1997). As the former CEO of Telindus and VP of Proximus, but also as the chair of ADM, his focus is on a pragmatic and efficient market approach and business development.
As an entrepreneur and strategic thinker, he works closely with several companies.
In ConneXion, Jan De Schepper and Paul Van Den Bosch give us their vision of how a CEO can make his/her employees better. Based on the 7 paradoxes, they provide the business leader with workable insights and a practical guide that takes employees to the next level. A must-read for a modern CEO
Johan Thijs
In the current era of exponential change, accelerated digitalisation and COVID 19, Jan De Schepper and Paul Van Den Bosch explain how human connections are an increasingly important and essential part of leadership. With numerous examples from the sport and business worlds, they show how difficult it is for CEOs to connect properly with their people and their motivations.
Dominique Leroy
Member of the Board of Management Deutsche Telekom AG for Europe

Jan and Paul have brought years of experience and research in the business and sports worlds together in this book, a referencework
for senior management who aspire to ConneXion, the highest level of leadership. Sufficiently substantiated, but also very practical
and extremely relevant. A must.
Bart De Smet
CEO Ageas