Horst Remes

Horst Remes

We invited Horst Remes as one of the keynote speakers at the Volvo Consumer Experience Summit. With his witty keynote, strong drive and confrontational humour, he inspired our retailers and our employees. He gave them a taste of how a consumer-focused approach can make all the difference.

Elfi Janssens - Managing Director

Volvo Cars

Photo microphone

There are many keynotes on the topic of customer centricity, but rarely are they as eye-opening as Horst's on the myths! To the point, entertaining & with a lot of expertise on the subject, he manages to inspire his audience for the topic.

Dominique Feurich - Head of Transformation

Thyssenkrupp (DE)

Through his compelling storytelling and constant interaction with the audience, Horst managed to deliver an engaging and informative keynote from start to finish.


Sofie Parys - Sales & Segment Strategy Manager
