Bart Aerts
Who is Bart Aerts?
Bart has worked as a journalist for various media since 1998. He currently writes for Knack and De Juristenkrant, and films television documentaries for Terzake and Pano. He is a reporter with a wide range of interests, and always looks for different but fascinating stories.
During his most recent project, Bart was able to offer a backstage insight into the world of Belgian diplomacy in China, the USA, Africa and Belgium. The result was Corps Diplomatique; a book and similarly titled five-part documentary for the Canvas channel. During the series, dozens of diplomats show us for first time exactly what their job entails. Have we become a plaything for China and the USA? Or can a small country like Belgium play a meaningful role on the world stage?
As a criminologist, he is fascinated by the world of crime and justice. In his work as a professional journalist, Bart has personally experienced the strong arm of the law on a couple of occasions over the past few years. He will tell his incredible story of a house search, confiscation of his smartphone (a crucial instrument in his work) and a trial that has been going on for almost four years.
“Bart Aerts is a fluent and exciting speaker, which means he can fascinate audiences until the very end.”
Olivier Trop
Managing partner The Oval Office and Rotary Brussels International