Ann Baeke

Ann Baeke (copyright: Sigi Hermans)

For me, sensitive intelligence was coming home to my own leadership. The phrase "If knowledge is power, having no opinion is wisdom", hit me like a bomb. It came just in time. Because believe me, we are not going to solve the polycomplexity and greatly increased pressure on all of us with our reason alone.

Wouter Torfs

Chairman CAW Flanders

Sensitive leadership is not about softness in decision making. The softness is in dealing with people themselves. It is about how you handle it. If you don't like being kept in the dark, imagine what it gives when you do that with a company of 3,000 people. Highly recommended for those who steer by vision and intrinsic motivation, not fear, and who dare to go off the beaten track.

Dewi Van De Vyver

Co-founder & CEO Effex

With Sensitive Intelligence, Ann Baeke sets new standards. She redefines leadership forever. Sensitivity is taken out of the corner and catapulted into the centre of leadership competences, in an inclusive way, because everyone can develop senstivity, according to Ann. Although it might be easier to detect the sensitveit that is present and provide forum. In this way, 'rationality' and 'strength' take on a whole new meaning. After all, what idiot calls himself rational but makes decisions with only a fraction of the available information? Successful and sustainable leadership no longer coincides with short-term thinking and bullying.

Kristien De Wolf

Coach and author