Céline Malyster

Who is Céline Malyster?
I graduated as an interpreter in French, Danish and Swedish, together with a number of secondary subjects, including subtitling, didactics and copywriting. Immediately after school, I started in the television world, worked in a marketing agency and progressed to become Branding, PR & Communications manager of a renowned contact centre. Over the years, as a sideline I set up a number of companies, which I later sold. My branding, communications and customer experience has always been paramount and will always be my leitmotiv.
My first novel, 'Woman with Child', has been in the shops since February of this year. A mixture of fiction and reality, a look into my #singlemother life, supplemented with an engaging dose of fantasy.
As the daughter of an entrepreneurial family and serial entrepreneur, I am not afraid to take calculated risks. There is nothing like the feeling of writing your own story, taking charge of your life and charting your own course.
Over my career, I have built up expertise in storytelling, as an actor, television presenter (TVL, ROB TV, Kanaal Z, etc.), as a moderator at (live and online) events, as a writer and as a branding expert. I bring all these elements together in my company Walhalla Branding.