Sarah Steenhaut
Who is Sarah Steenhaut?
Sarah is passionate about marketing. Combining scientific insights with business experience in different industries, she strongly believes in marketing as the driving force behind successful business reorientations in these challenging times. Sarah is motivated by challenges, triggered by complexity, inspired by what is new, and determined to bring about change.
Mother, wife, professor, adviser, manager, girlfriend, … Sarah is many things rolled into one. Sarah is able, from these many different roles, to recount stories that linger, because they are substantiated and full of tangible examples.
Sarah Steenhout's keynote 'Act human' is an excellent guide to marketing and management in these complex times. Sarah captivatingly conveys what today is all about: activating human relationships. Illustrated with concrete cases and using clear models, the classic marketer is waved off and the Human Activator is brought in . Highly recommended.
Marc Michils
Kom op Tegen Kanker, CEO
Sarah delivered an enlightening and inspiring keynote for the diamond sector. The compilation of key marketing and digital trends provided insight and inspiration in defining our strategy. The many examples showed how the luxury industry can concretely innovate and adapt to the digitised society. We gained a lot from it.
Steven Boelens
Baunat, co-founder