Michael Vlerick
Who is Michael Vlerick?
Michael Vlerick is a philosopher of science at Tilburg University. In his work, he applies the theory of evolution to important philosophical domains, such as knowledge, society and happiness. He aims to make philosophy accessible to a wide audience and hopes to contribute to a happier and more harmonious society. He is known as a particularly inspiring, enthusiastic and lucid speaker.
He has written three books for a wider audience: ‘Why we are not happier: From selfish genes to the art of a freer life', “Critical and Scientific Thinking: A Brief Introduction” (free pdf available) and “The Second Alienation: The Age of Global Cooperation”.
This is a brilliant keynote and book that should have a prominent place in every living room but also in every classroom. Those who read this will understand humanity, and therefore themselves, and also learn what can be done about it. Truly an eye-opener!
Koenraad De Maaschalk
Very refreshing and thought provoking; Appeals to action! Very enriching subject ! Speaker overachieved my expectations. Excellent speaker; very good Q&A.
Some books deserve to be put in the spotlight again and this book is one of those! It was published in 2019. We learn a lot about what drove and drives Homo Sapiens, but above all, Vlerick describes a means to improve today's world by working together in such a way that peace becomes normal and poverty, the climate problem and mass migration are tackled! We should hope that all world leaders read this book and even local politicians can learn from Vlerick how to tackle e.g. mass migration. In fact, we should all read it!
Gerda Sterk