Johan D’Haeseleer
Who is Johan D’Haeseleer?
Johan is an industrial engineer, labour analyst and Vlerick alumnus, and has dedicated the past 15 years of his life to simplifying work and creating extra time. Initially at Colruyt, and now as trainer in time management. His clients like to call him ‘Mister Simplicity’.
He presents a practical argument for using time efficiently. Armed with personal examples and a bundle of diverse tips, he teaches the audience how to effectively create ‘extra time’ for their passions and preferred activities.
In his new keynote about human behaviour, Johan explains the art of controlling your biological systems, so that your ability to focus becomes better, faster and more effective. This knowledge is primarily based in his personal experiences in life and at work.
Johan D’Haeseleer is an inspirational speaker. His Time management workshop offers good insights and tips on better use of the time at our disposal on a daily basis. This knowledge can be easily put into practice at work and in your personal life. He is enthusiastic, interacts with the audience, points out where you can find all the extra 15 minutes and how we can better manage our ‘to do’ lists. We received many positive reactions from participants after our workshop with him.
Laura Buskens
Alumni Relations Maastricht University