Jelle Veyt
Who is Jelle Veyt?
For Jelle Veyt, “reaching the top” is not just a metaphor for a mission. For him, it is namely and literally his mission. He is on a tour of the highest mountains on each continent, the so-called “Seven Summits”. Furthermore, he wishes to do this with the smallest possible ecological footprint, so he cycles, hikes, sails and rows around the planet. What drives him? When he was 17, a number of events in his life led him to believe that he would not grow old. He lived on the street and found a way not to regret his choices. That is why he started to make very conscious choices. How that works and what you can learn from it for your own journey to "the top” - he will gladly tell you in his
World class lessons for leaders! Jelle is not only a resident of Dendermonde, a physiotherapist, sportsman, … but above all a world traveller. He carries out his mission in the world with huge enthusiasm in order to give opportunities to, among others, homeless children in Nepal. As a seventeen-year-old, he ended up on the street himself due to his parents' conflictual divorce and lived as a homeless person in Ghent for over 3 years. However, he managed to break free from this life and to finish his studies at Ghent University.
Eric Hermans
The Next Level