Frédéric Deborsu

Photo of Frédéric Deborsu

We would hereby like to thank you and Frédéric once again for the fantastic experience before and during the event.
Frédéric was very good again, in his own ‘natural manner’ of presentation, which is welcoming and serious at the same time: it generated a pleasant atmosphere and dynamism in an audience that is known to tire quickly!
Hopefully we will have another opportunity to listen to him soon…

Sigrid Beek

Market Development – Event organiser Vivium

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The presentation by Frédéric Deborsu at the Trends CFO of the Year Award event flowed very smoothly. We were very pleased with Frédéric Deborsu's presentation as well as his professional preparation.

Mieke Knabben

Event Manager Roularta

The lecture by Frédéric Deborsu was very good. It was well-founded and delivered in a fascinating manner, but also had room for humour. The one hundred guests truly enjoyed it. And people continued to discuss the lecture during the gathering afterwards. I think, and am fairly sure, that this afternoon will help to slightly erase the ‘border’ between Wallonia and Flanders.

Nieke Rutten

Bond Gepensioneerden Boerenbond (pensioners’ association)

Frédéric Deborsu is a pleasant and interesting speaker who was able to fascinate a hall of 70 people. He didn’t restrict himself to a monologue, but also asked the audience questions and involved them in an interactive and humorous manner. The public was invited to participate, and this resulted in many questions and discussions afterwards. A great experience!

Anneliese Hendrix

International coordination team Kind en Gezin, Brussels

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Frederic Deborsu was able to fascinate the audience from the very first sentence: he used charm and humour while showing how Wallonia had developed over the centuries. In short, I would recommend him to everyone.

Roseline Bauters

Librarian Ronse