Valerie Trouet

Who is Valerie Trouet?
Valerie Trouet is the author of "What Trees Tell Us," a popular scientific book on dendrochronology that has been translated into 7 languages and won the Jan Wolkers Prize in 2020. She is scientific director of the new Belgian Climate Center and professor at the University of Arizona in the US. She received her PhD in Bioengineering from KULeuven in 2004 and worked as a researcher at PennState University and at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL before moving to Arizona in 2011. As a dendrochronologist, she studies climate change over the past two thousand years and how it has affected human systems and ecosystems. Valerie is a Kavli Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands in 2023.