Sam Proesmans
Who is Sam Proesmans?
Sam Proesmans (born 1988) is a physician specialising in internal, tropical and emergency medicine and public health. When he first set off into the world with his backpack at 16, it soon became clear to him how lucky he was to have so many opportunities and possibilities. In the years that followed, he alternated his studies in medicine with many internships and trips in Asia, Latin America and Africa, culminating in a 12,000-kilometre trip on a small sports plane from Belgium to Congo- seen in the documentary series Flying Doctors on One. The terrible poverty and total lack of opportunities for so many on this planet gripped him so much that he decided he wanted to have more impact than just on the patient in front of him. After training as a physician specialist, combined with a Masters in Public Health from Columbia University in New York achieved as a Fulbright and B.A.E.F. scholar, he worked as a healthcare management consultant with Boston Consulting Group and advised the Prime Minister during the COVID pandemic. Sam currently works as an emergency physician and medical director at Belgium's largest hospital, where he contributes - with both feet in the field - to improving the health of more than a million people.