Peter Decuypere
Who is Peter Decuypere?
Peter Decuypere is a passionate and inspirational (TEDx) keynote speaker, who will make you laugh and above all make you think. A master in philosophy, he looks at events and marketing as well as life in a surprising, visionary and inspiring way. Peter is an event expert, keynote speaker, author and consultant. He is the founding father of the world-renowned techno brands I Love Techno and Fuse. He sold his company to Live Nation in 2001 and he has continued his passion for events and for marketing as a consultant for the likes of Warmest Week, WeCanDance, the Flemish Government and Time Warp. In early 2015, he published the bestseller "We love Events. In early 2017, his second book 'Holy Trinity Events' was published, within which he deploys a surprisingly simple marketing model, also usable far beyond the realm of events. In 2023, the extremely well-received book 'Success in 7 Failures' was published in which, from his own entrepreneurial experience, he gives a number of pieces of advice that can be useful in both personal and business life. Peter Decuypere also teaches event marketing and event sustainability and also writes, sometimes quite provocative opinion pieces for the newspaper De Morgen, among others.