Pascale Platel

Who is Pascale Platel?
Pascale is known as a theater maker, actress and author. In an authentic, humorous way and based on personal confessions, she explains how the challenges in your life give meaning to existence.
Pascale Platel is a wife, mother, lover and has been in the profession for more than a quarter of a century. She poses, presents, publishes. But first and foremost she is a storyteller. There is one common thread running through Platel's creations: the pleasure of telling, fantasizing, challenging and gradually discovering oneself.
In 2016 she wrote TET Talk, a monologue about growing up as a young girl in a 'big city' like Ghent or 'How do I survive my environment?' Following this, she gave a TED Talk at the request of TEDx Women Flanders in which she talked about the most traumatic experience in her life. From there came the 'desire' to do something new, a lecture. No decor, no costumes, but just as herself to talk about the things that fascinate her immensely in life.
It was phenomenal. An exceptional performance. Pascale and Fien gave us a unique evening. Very nice and warm people. Highly recommended for every association and organization.
Wim Becaus
Association of Wetterse Industrialists & Entrepreneurs