Marc De Bel

Who is Marc De Bel?
In 1994, after twenty years of teaching, he exchanged his chalk for his pen and pencil and spends his days writing, telling stories, playing football and rooting in his garden. Is the son of a carpenter. His mother's name was Maria. Was born a stone's throw from Nazareth. He goes around telling stories, inviting the children to come to him, and is always at odds with scribes and Pharisees.
Marc de Bel is one of the best-known Belgian authors of children's books. He made his debut in 1986 with 'Uncle Trotter's Egg'. His extensive oeuvre of more than 150 books includes bestsellers such as 'The revenge of knight Piepus', 'Nelle, the witch of Cruysem', 'The bra tree house', 'The Kriegel sisters', the 'Blinker' stories, 'The Katten van Kruisem', 'The big book of book growth' and 'Spikkel en Spekkie'. His books have already received several special prizes.