Ines Vanlangendonck

Who is Ines Vanlangendonck?
Techie, entrepreneur, systems thinker and unsustainably know-it-all at the crossroads of digitisation and sustainability. Ines founded her first web agency in 2002 and later became founder of RedTree (today Formica), Foursevens and Kamon. She has been co-founding German Startup Refrastructure as Technology Lead since late 2023. With a degree in Sustainability Leadership from Cambridge university and her experience in digitalisation, she is thus helping to build the circular economy.
She also gives inspired and always surprising lectures on sustainable innovation and on the merging, or sometimes clashing, of digital technology and sustainability. As a technology expert, Ines always has an eye for clear communication and visual explanation, and is delighted when technology becomes complex and she gets to unravel that mystery in human language.
Ines succeeds in making complex matters clear to a wide audience in a simple way. Add to this her passion for technology and it makes for an ideal mix that can convey a fascinating story to a wide audience.
Vincent Vanderbeck
General Manager Hangar K
Ines comes across as passionate and authentic; her presentation skills are more than adequate (also in English), and she seemed to know somewhat more about sustainability and the UN SDGs than the average keynote speaker, so I don't know why anyone would have any doubt about inviting her.
Patrick Van Renterghem
General manager IT Works