Gil Renders

Who is Gil Renders?
Gil Renders is a leadership and transformation coach, psychotherapist and speaker. She founded her coaching practice ‘Echte Leiders Dansen’ ('Real Leaders Dance') in 2014. She uses it to guide (senior) managers, entrepreneurs and coaches on their path towards courageous and balanced leadership. When doing so, she combines her background as Germanist and theatre-maker with her expertise in system-based work, voice dialogue, mindfulness and unifying communication. She uses her sharp, analytical mind and radical sense of empathy to quickly dispel restrictive survival behaviours, and offers useful tips for dealing with yourself and your surroundings in a healthier and more loving manner. She does this with a strong experience-based approach and a deep sense of commitment. Gil’s keynotes offer her audience a compelling total experience: she combines knowledge and wisdom with a love for literature, dance and music. She always wholeheartedly personifies the subject matter she is talking about. Topics that fascinate her include the effectiveness of vulnerable leadership, the impact of the m/f balance in yourself and your organisation, and the emergence of new paradigms in the leadership landscape. The themes addressed in her keynotes are also covered during her successful Echte Leiders Dansen.
It was fantastic to feel and experience the birth of this new (leadership) paradigm in my head, my intuition and, in particular, my heart. An absolute must.
Peter Gielkens
Owner Gielkens Consultancy
Gil’s keynote about the power of vulnerability touched me deeply. Her authentic and well-founded story created a sense of silence in the hall as well as my head. It really touched me deep inside.
Karen Kelchtermans
Keynote speaker and author 'Liefde in Balans'

It was an amazing day! A practical keynote full of insights and answers; yin and yang. You used a powerful and honest approach to access our passions. I greatly appreciate how you approached the whole day.
Inge Huys
Founder Connectiehuys