Davy De Vlieger

Who is Davy De Vlieger?
Davy managed the Belgian division of Omega Pharma for 8 years and was also CEO of Etixx NV. In April 2016, he returned to one of his old passions, namely the food industry, where he is now General Manager in Belgium for the multinational Continental Foods, which owns major brands, such as Devos-Lemmens, Royco, Aïki, Imperial and Liebig. Thanks to far-reaching innovation and an excellent marketing strategy, De Vlieger was able to make Omega Pharma a global player in the market for non-prescription medicines and healthcare products.
Management is a team sport, says Davy De Vlieger. “Efficient management is not only based on a healthy long-term vision, but also on how this vision is humanly conveyed to your employees at all levels. Everyone - from the bottom of the ladder to the top - must know what role they play in the overall story. You sometimes have to make difficult choices, but that doesn’t prevent you from communicating them in a respectful and humanly manner. Every link in the executive process must employ the tools needed to execute the plan that you have in mind. If not everyone is on board, it makes no sense to pick up the pace. A good manager is thus a team leader who is always accessible and approachable, who allows for the needs and skills of his team members, but continues to focus on results.”
Davy is very positive and fluent when sharing his insights and experiences concerning people management. He offers clear answers to questions such as: How do you focus on employees within your organisation? How do you create a Smart Culture where employees can realise their full potential? How do you make sure that employees are proud of their company? etc.
His ‘recipes’ are simple but leave a lasting impression! His quotes are from a distant past, but have never been as relevant as they are today. I would recommend him to everyone!
Dirk Maegerman
Leadership Coach @ KBC Corporate Banking

Davy De Vlieger is a speaker who stimulates the audience!
Davy De Vlieger used his experience to captivate the audience of bpost’s Sales Community. He was brilliant in sharing his vision on every aspect of innovation. His one-hour talk inspired the whole community. It was a great moment of inspiration!
Pascal De Greef
Managing Director Business Clients Mail bpost