Ruben Van Gucht

Who is Ruben Van Gucht?
He is a well-known face on programmes such as Sportweekend, De Kleedkamer, Extra Time Koers and De Zevende Dag. He also presents a Saturday morning breakfast show called De Weekwatchers on Radio 2. He has written books about Johan Museeuw and Bernard Hinault, as well as the Grote Sporza Quizboek (Big Sporza Quiz Book) and Sportman (Sportsman), a book with various anecdotes he has come across over the years.
Only positive feedback. Ruben Van Gucht presented the cycling festival amazingly and the collaboration was very well organised. Thank you!
Wim Steeman
City of Bruges

Ruben Van Gucht came, saw and conquered in Sportsman II. The streaming version for the bib of Geel, was given extra cachet by his live presentation before and after the show. It first became a cosy 'social' in anticipation of the show. The show itself is a joyful ode to sportsmen, with an emotional release at the end. Not to mention the beautiful songs that provide goose-bump moments. Recommended for young and old alike.
Geel public library