Filip Muyllaert
Who is Filip Muyllaert?
Filip Muyllaert is a presentation strategist and professional keynote speaker who captivates audiences worldwide. Over the years, Filip has received wide acclaim for his highly inspiring and surprising speeches and the lasting impact they have had on his audience. This master storyteller boasts two specific topics of expertise: motivational speeches on the one hand, and keynotes that focus on inspiring leadership communication on the other. As a presentation strategist, Filip Muyllaert has over 15 years’ experience coaching executives and young potentials. Filip is the author of How Leaders Speak to Inspire (2022). The book is highly recommended by world-famous marketing guru Seth Godin, American leadership expert Marshall Goldsmith, as well as numerous C-level executives in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Thank you for playing your part in what was a very successful event in Alicante. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation personally and heard from several of my colleagues that it also made a strong impact on them. So a great event all round, and a great keynote!
Tom Pinder
Marketing Director Europe - ScanSource
Thank you for your great speech at our conference in Barcelona! We have collected feedback from over 100 people. On a satisfaction scale of 1 up to 5, you received a very great 4,72. Thanks a lot!
Elena Werle
Marketing Analyst - Hydro Holding
Dear Filip, thank you again for the very successful presentation. Everybody was super enthousiastic! It was really top!
Annick De Waele
Senior Director Legal - Cisco Systems